



Privacy Policy

Zhejiang Meiduo Electric Appliance Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "we" or "our") is always solemnly committed to protecting the privacy of users ("user" or "you"). When using the services of Zhiduomei, we may collect and use your relevant information.

The Privacy Policy applies to all services provided by Zhiduomei. When using any single service, you agree to accept protection of the Privacy Policy and terms (hereinafter referred to as the "specific terms") of specific private information policies we issue in the single service, and in that case, the specific terms and this Policy will take effect simultaneously. If the Privacy Policy is not applicable to any single service we provide, it will be made clear in the service in a proper way that the Privacy Policy is excluded from application.

Please note that we will check our policy from time to time and therefore relevant measures will change accordingly. We kindly ask you to visit this page regularly to ensure to always have an understanding of the latest version of our Privacy Policy. After reading the Policy, if you have any question about the Privacy Policy or matters regarding the Privacy Policy, please contact us.

If you use or keep using the services of Zhiduomei, it means that you agree that we collect, use, store and share your information according to the Privacy Policy.

I. Information that we may collect

(i) Information irrelevant to personal identity:

When you use our services, we may collect and summarize information such as the origin of the user and access sequence. For example, we will record the origin of each user using our services.

(ii) Information about personal identity:

When you use our services, we may collect and summarize or require you to provide the information about personal identity, such as the personal identification (including the identity card and passport); birth date, native place, sex, interests and hobbies, personal telephone number and facial features; device information (including the device model, MAC address of the device, operating system type and device settings); unique device identification code of the list of software (such as basic information about the commonly used personal device including IMEI/android ID/IDFA/OPENUDID/GUID and SIM card IMSI information); location information (including the precise positioning information, longitude and latitude).

We collect your information mainly for the purpose of letting you and other users use our services more easily with more satisfaction.

II. How we collect and use information

We will collect and use your information in the following ways:

1. Information provided by you, such as:

(1) Information provided to us when you register an account for our services or use our services;

(2) Shared information provided by you to other parties through our services, and information stored when you use our services.

2. Your information shared by other parties, which means the shared information about you that other parties provide when using our services. 

3. Your information we acquired. Information we collected, summarized and recorded when you use our services, such as the location information and device information.

4. Help you complete registration

To facilitate our provision of services for you, you need to provide basic registration information, such as the mobile phone number and email address, and create your username and password. If you only need basic services such as browsing and searching in some single services, you do not need to register as our user and provide the above information. 

5. Provide you with commodities or services 

Huawei Device Management Service SDK

Purpose of collecting personal information: Complete the end cloud authorization validation with Huawei Cloud to ensure that your product always meets the requirements of the HarmonyOS Connect certification.

Type of personal data collected: device hardware identifier, device hardware parameter, system version information related to the device.

Third party SDK privacy statement:Statement on Huawei equipment management services and privacy

6. Push notification to you

(1) Present and push service for you

(Send you notices. We may send you notices about services when necessary (for example, when we suspend a single service, change or stop providing a single service for system maintenance). If you do not want to continue to receive the notification pushed by us, you may require us to stop pushing notification.

7. Provide you with security assurance

To ensure the authenticity of your identity and provide you with better security assurance, you may provide us with personal sensitive information about identification and facial features and other biometric information to complete real-name authentication.

Except for identity authentication, we may use your information for customer services, security protection, archival filing and backup to ensure security of the services we provided you; we may use or integrate your information we collected and the information acquired by our partners with your authorization or shared by them according to law for identify authentication, detection and prevention of security events, and take necessary recording, audit, analysis and disposal measures according to law.

8. Improve our services

We may use the information collected through one of our services for our other services. For example, your information collected when you use one of our services may be used to provide you with specific contents or show you information related to you and not generally pushed in another service; we may let you participate in an investigation concerning our services to help us improve the existing services or design new services; meanwhile, we may use your information for software updating.

You understand and agree that after collecting your information, we will de-identify the data through technological means, your identity will not be recognized through the information de-identified, and in that case we have the right to use the de-identified information to analyze and make commercial use of the user database.

If we intend to use your information for other purposes not specified in the Privacy Policy, we will ask for your permission in advance.

9. Exceptions to authorization and consent

According to relevant laws and regulations, in the following circumstances, your consent is not required to collect your information:

(1) The information is about national security and national defense security;

(2) The information is about public security, public health and major public interest;

(3) The information is about crime investigation, prosecution, trial and execution of judgment;

(4) Your information is collected for the purpose of safeguarding the safety of life and property and other important legal rights and interests of the information bodies or other individuals, and in that case, it is hard to obtain your consent;

(5) The information collected is made public by you;

(6) The information is collected from the information legally and publicly disclosed, such as legal news report and government information publicity;

(7) It is necessary to collect your information for signing of contracts according to your requirements;

(8) It is necessary to collect your information for maintenance of safe and stable operation of our services, such as detecting and handling product or service failures;

(9) It is necessary to collect your information for legal news report;

(10) It is necessary to collect your information for academic research institutions to make statistics or carry out academic research based on the public interest, and the information contained in the result of academic research or description is de-identified;

(11) Other circumstances stipulated by laws and regulations.

III. Information that we may share, transfer or disclose

(i) Sharing

Except in the following circumstances, we will not share your information with any third party without your consent:

1. Provide you with our services. We may share your information with partners or other third parties to realize the core function you needed or provide the services you needed;

2. Maintain and improve our services. We may share your information with partners or other third parties to help provide you with more targeted and more perfect services;

3. Realize the purpose mentioned in Article 2 of the Privacy Policy, "how we collect and use information";

4. Fulfill our obligations under the Privacy Policy or other agreements reached with you and exercise our rights;

5. Provide your information according to provisions of the single service agreement (including the electronic agreement signed online and corresponding platform rules) or other legal documents;

6. Provide your information based on the public interest meeting laws and regulations.

We share your information only for legitimate, proper, necessary, specific and explicit purposes. We will sign a strict confidentiality agreement with companies, organizations and individuals with which and whom we share information to require them to handle the information according to our instructions, the Privacy Policy and any other related confidentiality and security measures.

7. The circumstances involving embedding of third-party codes and plug-ins to transmit personal information are illustrated one by one:

The conditions of third-party SDKs that we access are as follows:

a. For information push:

MiPush https://dev.mi.com/console/doc/detail?pId=1822
Huawei Push https://consumer.huawei.com/cn/privacy/privacy-policy/
Oppo Push https://www.oppo.com/cn/privacy/
GeTui Push https://www.getui.com/privacy

Types of personal information collected by SDKs: User ID, IMSI, device identification information, application information (application versions and notification and permission setting), installation and warranty list of application software and location information.

b. For confirmation of your location and provision of a map

Baidu Positioning and Baidu Map https://map.baidu.com/zt/client/privacy/index.html

Types of personal information collected by SDKs: Access status of wifi, device information and your location information collected under the circumstances where you have location access enabled.

c. For realization of the payment function at Alipay and WeChat

Alipay https://opendocs.alipay.com/open/01g6qm
WeChat https://pay.weixin.qq.com/index.php/public/apply_sign/protocol_v2

Types of personal information collected by SDKs: Device information, network information and geological location information, used for security risk control in the user's logging into his/her account and payment process.

d. Alibaba services

We will use the mpass service, storage service and HTTPDNS service provided by Alibaba to collect the device information, log information and support information of the user's account and provide album storage.

(ii) Transfer

Except in the following circumstances, we will not share your information with any third party without your consent:

1. With continuous development of our business, we may conduct merger, acquisition, asset transfer or similar transactions, and your information may be transferred as a part of such transactions. We will require the new companies and organizations holding your information to continue to be bound by the Privacy Policy, otherwise we will require the companies and organizations to ask for your permission.

2. We will transfer your information to other parties after obtaining your explicit consent.

(iii) Disclosure

We will disclose your information on the premise of taking security measures meeting standards of the industry only under the following circumstances:

1. We will disclose the information you explicitly designated in a way of disclosure with which you explicitly agree according to your need;

2. In the circumstances where your information must be provided according to the requirements of laws and regulations, mandatory requirements for administrative enforcement of law or mandatory judicial requirements, we may disclose your information according to the required information type and way of disclosure. On the premise of meeting laws and regulations, when we receive requests for the above information disclosure, we will require the receiver to issue corresponding legal documents such as the summons or letter of investigation. We firmly believe that the information we are required to provide shall be kept transparent as far as possible to the extent permitted by law. We have conducted prudent review on all requests to ensure that the requests are subject to legal basis and limited to the data that the law-enforcing department has legal rights to acquire for specific investigation purposes.

IV. Protection the privacy of the user

Xiaoyi respects the privacy of its users, and without the consent of users, Xiaoyi will not collect information of the users. It is committed not to provide the user information mastered for service needs without the permission of users, including but not limited to the user name, contact information, installation address, information about the product purchased, order information, purchase channel, call history and alarm record.

V. How to manage your information

(i) Access, update and delete

We encourage you to update and modify your information to make it more accurate and effective. You can access your information through our services and complete modification, supplement and deletion of your information by yourself or require us to do so. We will take appropriate technological means to ensure that you can access, update and correct your own information or other information provided when using our services as far as possible.

When you access, update, correct and delete the above information, we may require you to authenticate to ensure information security.

(ii) Cancellation

After meeting the conditions agreed upon in the service agreement on our single service and the provisions of relevant national laws and regulations, your service account may be canceled or deleted. After cancellation or deletion of the account, all service information and data related to the account and under the single service will be deleted or disposed of according to provisions of the service agreement on the single service.

If you insist on canceling your Zhiduomei account after prudent consideration, you may submit an application for cancellation to us on the related function setting page of our product and/or service that you use or according to the operation guide. We will complete the verification and processing within 15 working days. (customer service Tel.: 400-900-5952)

(iii) Change the scope of your authorization

You can always choose whether to disclose information. Some information is necessary to use your services, but whether to provide most other information is up to you. You may change the scope of your authorization for our continuing to collect your information or withdraw your authorization by deleting information or turning off the device function.

After you withdraw your authorization, we will be unable to continue to provide you with the services corresponding to the authorization, and no longer handle your corresponding information. But your decision on withdrawal of your authorization will not affect the previous information handling based on your authorization.

VI. Notice and Modification

We may modify terms of the Privacy Policy in due time and such modification shall form a part of the Privacy Policy. For major changes, we will provide more remarkable notices and you may choose to stop using our services; in that case, if you continue to use our services, it means that you agree to be bound by the modified Privacy Policy.

Any modification will put your satisfaction first. We encourage you to consult our privacy policy whenever using our services.

We may issue announcements related to services when necessary (for example, when we suspend a service for system maintenance). You may not be able to cancel the announcements that are related to services and are not of the nature of promotion.
  At last, you must assume the obligation of confidentiality for the information about your account number and password. Please take good care of it under any circumstances.

VII. Governing Law and Jurisdiction

Any dispute arising from the Privacy Policy or use of the services of Zhiduomei shall be governed by the laws of the People's Republic of China. 

Any dispute arising from the Privacy Policy or use of the services of Zhiduomei shall be settled through consultation, and where the consultation fails, the parties unanimously agree to settle the dispute through litigation in the people's court of the place where the developer of Zhiduomei is located.









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? 2019 浙江美多電器有限公司所有. All rights reserved.